Med Revue 2013 | Around the Wards in 80 Hours


Around the Wards in 80 Hours


University Hospital is a hospital in crisis – The consultants are away on conference, there is a severe shortage of staff and the Manipulative Head of Hospital and mercenary Medical Administrator have been busy embezzling including all funds allocated to intern salaries – they want the interns gone!  Join us as we follow the trial and tribulations of three interns as they enter this toxic environment and move through the wards to heal the hospital.

Artistic Team

Upuli Pahalawatta - Director
Catelyn Cashion - Producer & Choreographer 


Eli Sanders - Phil Fogg
Owen Weisback - Conner
Melanie Nardi - Talley
Harrison Ford - Hospital Administrator
Jess Tay -  Hospital Head


 Not suitable for children
Simulated sex scenes
Drug use
Coarse language


Med Revue is back and fundraising again for the Royal Flying Doctor's Service! 

Last year we raised over $4 500 dollars and we hope to raise more this year. Med Revue 2013 will be shown on two nights (16th & 17th of August) and seats are limited!

Tickets will be on sale Wednesday! They will be sold at Campus Essentials and at each of the Colleges!
They are also available online at: (there is a $0.30 booking fee from for ordering online).

Stay tuned for more...